A list of links and notes I collect throughout the year.
Link, Article, Note | Desc |
If include OpenGL/gl.h on macos fails | To resolve this issue one need to install XCode command line tools. Once done /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Headers/gl.h should exist and include <OpenGL/gl.h> should work again. |
OpenAL Soft | OpenAL Soft is a software implementation of the OpenAL 3D audio API. GitHub Repo (LGPL-licensed, cross-platform). |
“The Best Mac Productivity Software” | Nice collection of useful macos software. SelfControl - just brilliant :D |
mkcert: valid HTTPS certificates for localhost | Useful tool when developing web content which requires HTTPS . |
Sound eXchange - sox | For a fast and simple way to convert sound files. Convert xxx.mp3 to xxx.ogg ? Simply do: sox xxx.mp3 xxx.ogg done. |
HTML5 Gamepad Tester | When working with gamepads this page is useful to see if a gamepad works as expected. |
What is SDL_Joystick and what is SDL_GameController? | SDL2 has more or less two gamepad APIs. This Stackoverflow entry explains the difference nicely. |
“Open in Atom” in macOS context-menu | On my machine it requires this modification: /Applications/Atom.app/Contents/MacOS/Atom -n "$@" &>/dev/null & . |
Use private key with passphrase in ForkLift | ForkLift 3 is a great UI to manage files on external machines (SFTP, S3, SMB, etc.). To make use of a passphrase protected private key-file one need to do this: ssh-add -K /path/to/private_key . The ui doesn’t support password input for this. |
Cannot install Windows SDK 7.1 on Windows 10 | Installing the Windows SDK with the Visual C++ compiler that is compatible with Windows 7 on Windows 10 seems to be blocked by .NET4. This Stackoverflow link shows some work around to that issue. |
HtmlFlow Java DSL to write typesafe HTML (Github) | If you are in need of a simple API for rendering HTML in Java. Nicly written in modern Java (MIT). |
lftp mirror + ssh helps to sync folders via SFTP | lftp -c 'set sftp:connect-program "ssh -a -x -i /path/to/private/key"; connect sftp://user@your.domain.example.com:1234; mirror -eRv --exclude-glob .DS_Store /path/to/local/source/ /path/to/remote/destination;' . This keeps a remote directory in sync with a local folder. The combined call using ssh adds supports passphrase protected key-files. The port is 1234 and it omits .DS_Store files. |
List of warnings in IntelliJ | Using Analyze->Inspect Code in IntelliJ gives you an incredible overview of all issues in your project. Found this helpful especially when working in an old PHP project. |
Unwanted Margin Below Image | It haunts me everytime: <div><img src=...""></div> can have a implicit margin below the image. <img style='display: block;' ...' does the trick. Same is true for <canvas> . |
The Tragedy of systemd | Comments disabled for this video :-) still interesting view. |
I get conflicting provisioning settings error when I try to archive to submit an iOS app | When XCode says something like: APP has conflicting provisioning settings. APP is automatically signed for development. Quote: This is the silly solution that works :-) |
The executable was signed with invalid entitlements - 0xe8008016 | If XCode 10 complains when creating an iOS app using Cordova this link is helpful. Legacy Build System :) |
NPM vs. Bower vs. Browserify vs. Gulp vs. Grunt vs. Webpack | Sometimes the JavaScript world with all their tools can be confusing. This SO post very nicely tries to make sense of the common tools and is activly discussed. |
The Deadlock Empire | Nice game approach to the many issues bad thread programming can impose. Really makes you wonder if you want to use Threads anymore :-D |
“A very simple, seedable JavaScript PRNG.” | Nice little GitHubGist in the event that Math.random() is too random. |
“Simplify Your Life With an SSH Config File” | A useful summary of how to optimize SSH workflow. |
Setup a Firewall with UFW | Using UFW it’s easy to setup a firewall (very similar to AWS security groups). Digital Ocean is kind enough to summarize the main commands to work with ufw. This is a good addition to prevent disconnects during initial configuration when working remotely. |
If added too many docker things this medium entry is useful to get rid of that. | |
https://developer.apple.com/ios/human-interface-guidelines | iOS Icons, UI elements as PSD. As official as it gets. |
Libre Office: [Solved] Image not embedded within Impress, it is linked | Quote: It is not a bug, just a poor default. Well said. Open/Libre Office’ PowerPoint-Like does not embed images by default. The link explains how to get around that. |
APK Tool - Install Instructions | A useful tool to explore your APK files and check if they’v been build as expected. |
How to Read a Twitter User’s Tweets WITHOUT Retweets | On the website one can simply use the search form and type from:@<SOMEUSER> : tweet-feed without retweets. |
Tabs and indents settings does not work - IntelliJ | There is a property called Detect and use existing file indents for editing which can overrule the settings. If unchecked tab-behavior acts normal again. |
IntelliJ Type missmatch | If - for some magical reason - IntelliJ decides to recognize a JavaScript file as a text file just check Settings -> File Types . Search for the file or a the matching pattern in the Text File section. |
How to Find or Validate an Email Address | Perfect email regex? Welp… no :-) |
Apache Cordova - Failed to generate v1 signature | If building android app throws this while signing an APK this might help. |
Atom: macOS Mojave font rendering change | After an update to macos 10.14.x I really appreciate this line: defaults write -g CGFontRenderingFontSmoothingDisabled -bool NO . It basically reverts this (@ min 28). Hopefully it’ll stick around for a while. |
Why is processing a sorted array faster than processing an unsorted array? | This Stackoverflow entry gives an incredible insight into the prediction process of a CPU and how high level developer decisions have impact on speed because of that. |
Remaking My First Flipbook 30 YEARS LATER | I loved to work on flip books when I was young. Really nice to see what one can do with that today. |
Install and Use Docker Compose on Debian | If the repo does not support your version of compose files. |
The 100% correct way to split your chunks with Webpack | Not 90%… not 99%… no, this is the 100% guide to perfectly split JavaScript code using webpack. Very insightful. |
twgljs.org | Interesting library to reduce some of the code overhead when working with webgl |
New Programming Jargon | Nice article from Coding Horror. Smurf Naming Convention… just brilliant. |
Get an apk file from an Android device | Helpful lines of bash-code to download a specific APK from an Android device. |
Creating a Fat Jar in Gradle | Generate high carb jar with Gradle. |
Jeka - Automate with plain Java code and nothing else | A none declarative approach to build Java projects. |
wk<html>toPDF | HTML to PDF using webkit rendering engine. Very nice. brew install Caskroom/cask/wkhtmltopdf on macOS. |
multichannel signed distance fields (msdf) | Bitmap Font Rendering toolkit using the work of Chlumsky/msdfgen to generate AngelCode BMfont compatible font files. |
Migrating paid app to free app with In-App Purchase | Nice article on how to migrate an existing paid app to support in-app purches without annoy existing customers. |
Why You Can’t Trust Local Storage in Your Cordova App | Some details are just too good to be overlooked. |
A free, easy to use tool for creating music! | Bosca Ceoil is fun to fool around and to create retro music. |
Backup and restore a mysql database from a running Docker mysql container | Helpful. It’s so obvious but for some reason my brain refused to come up with this. Considering the long list of thankful comments I’m not alone. |
MariaDB JSON Functions, MariaDB virtual JSON columns | I like MariaDB’s approach to JSON using VIRTUAL columns with index support and a bunch of functions to work with the data. |
How scrolling textures gave Super Mario Galaxy 2 its charm | Brilliant video explaining how Nintendo achieves water effects using displacement maps with low texture requirements. |
note: Fix wrong IntelliJ import not found errors | It happened to me in a larger Spring Boot project that for some reason IntelliJ showed me the import of the SecurityContext as invalid. The solution was to select File > Invalidate Cache / Restart . |
EM vs REM vs PX – Why you shouldn’t “just use pixels” | Loosing my religion. |
How to test Axios in Jest by Example | Mock axios REST requests in nodejs using jest. Useful when writing tests in REST environment. |
Quick note: the linked content of the articles, videos or websites here do not necessarily reflect my personal opinion. In some cases I might even disagree with all of it’s content but still like to share it. Over time the content behind a link might be edited or a blog changed into something different. Keep that in mind while enjoying the good stuff. If you find something really bad let me know: cschnack@gmx.de